by Graham Bower | Mar 8, 2017 | Fitness, Technology
The Activity app is one of Apple’s most important and powerful products. Its three brightly colored rings are changing people’s lives around the world, inspiring individuals to make healthier choices throughout their day. The trouble is, if you want to use the...
by Graham Bower | Jun 14, 2014 | Design
Most creatives are not good at receiving feedback. Quite the opposite in fact. They’ve learned to resist feedback, believing that it’s a part of their job to be “misunderstood” and to fight the “suits”. They dig in their heals to defend their ideas. And there’s...
by Graham Bower | May 10, 2014 | Fitness
Have you ever noticed how the words you use to describe an experience eventually replace your actual memories of that experience? For example, I ran the New York Marathon last year. When I got back home, people asked me how it was, so I described it to them. After I...
by Graham Bower | May 4, 2014 | Design
Developing creative ideas is not a steady linear progression of refining ideas to make something gradually better and better. Quite the opposite, in fact. The creative process is something more akin to a navigating a maze. If you mentally prepare yourself for a few...
by Graham Bower | Mar 18, 2014 | Fitness
As my latest round of cancer treatment is coming to an end, it has prompted me to reflect upon the mind-body journey I’ve been on. I’d had rashes all over my body for many years, without realising I had cancer. But in 2007, I found a big lump in my groin, went to the...